
Leave a gift in your will

“We die only when we cannot put roots in others”
(Lev Tolstoj)Making a Will is a simple and free gesture, yet concrete and conscious gesture that gives us the opportunity to leave a trace of us by supporting even in the future the causes we truly believe in.

With a legacy to the Ambrosoli Foundation you can

  • Safely and transparently allocate a portion of your assets in cash or in kind to Kalongo Hospital and the Midwifery School to ensure adequate care for the most needy and qualified training for young Ugandan women over time
  • Choose to which specific project you wish to donate your legacy – i.e. to the projects for restructuring the paediatric ward, to the support activities for pregnant mothers or to the training of a student of the Midwifery School. The Ambrosoli Foundation will commit itself to respect your will and your gift with seriousness, transparency and continuity.

It’s not about donating all your assets, but contributing with an amount of your choice to the future of the hospital and midwifery school:each of your free choices will help to carry on the work of Father Giuseppe in Kalongo in the future.


© Fondazione Dr. Ambrosoli - Via G. Mellerio,7 20123 Milano - C.F. 95055660138